Sunday, November 23, 2014

Conversion of Analog Photography to Digital Photography

Here is a photograph that I took in 1967 that originally was on the cover of my college's Fine Arts magazine. The photograph was also used in the college yearbook on Page 13 {I disliked the way their Layout Editor cropped the image}:

then it was used for a couple of years later in the course bulletins on Page 5:

Of course back in 1967 we had pretty primitive darkroom facilities tucked away in the basement of a building with terrible ventilation, so dust particles on the negatives was always a big problem!

Years later when photograph became all digital, I converted the image from analog to digital taking a relatively pristine copy of an original print and scanning it into a digital .jpg file at 1200 DPI. I then used GIMP to retouch the photograph to remove all those dust spots that kept getting on the negative in that old darkroom. The resulting photograph then looked like the following:

Since the original use for the photograph was for the cover of the college's Fine Arts magazine, I then dabbled with the photograph to make it more artsy by again using GIMP to add some color to an original monochrome Black & White photograph resulting in the following image:

So, this is the final result of retouching a photograph that was had taken in 1967 in the analog age and then using digital procedure to enhance the image to what it could of possibly appeared as all those years ago if I was a more accomplished photographer back then!

Finally using my image manipulation program I also made a 3D anaglyph photograph from that original, you can see the 3D effect by wearing anaglyph glasses (using Red & Cyan lens). Viewing the photograph in the 3D mode really gives the viewer a feeling of how remote the wooded areas of the campus were back in 1967. Students could really find solitude for personal thoughts back then just by going for walks in the secluded areas of the campus.

To see exactly how to produce a 3D Anaglyph photograph using the GIMP program, download the following tutorial and read and learn how to produce photographs with this eye catching effect:

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